Monday, 10 June 2013

Get That Booty Moving!

Special Guest Post from Melissa Windsor, JQ Fitness

This week at JQ Fitness we’re having a challenge week, a focus week of sorts, where we want you all to make a conscious effort to hit that 120-150 minutes of walking/running this week!

To get you excited about fitting in these extra 25-30 minutes of movement each day (in addition to your 2-3 iluvthis Bootcamp workouts) we thought we would offer you some fab reasons as to why its such a great idea to get your body moving!

The most important thing about getting your body moving should be consistency! Being consistent with walking, jogging or running is an awesome way to tap into all of the amazing benefits that regular exercise and movement can offer your body! Remember it’s what you do 99% of the time that is important! So, lets take a look at some of the benefits that moving your body can bring to your life!

Regular Movement brings/gives:

  • Strength to your muscles in the feet, legs, hips, and torso—walking increases the stability of the spine and conditions the muscles that keep the body in the upright position.
  • Nourishment to the spinal structures—walking for exercise facilitates strong circulation, pumping nutrients into soft tissues and draining toxins.
  • Improvement of flexibility and posture—exercise walking along with regular stretching allows greater range of motion; helps prevent awkward movements and susceptibility of future injury.
  • Strength to bones and reduction of bone density loss—regular walking for exercise helps prevent osteoporosis and can aid in reducing osteoarthritis pain.
  • Help with controlling weight—any regular exercise routine helps maintain a healthy weight, especially as one ages and metabolism slows. 

Source: (Exercise Walking for Better Back Health)

It also…

  • Combats health conditions and diseases—Regular movement boots “good” cholesterol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides keeping you blood flowing smoothly! This decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Regular activity can also help prevent many other health concerns including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, certain cancers and arthritis. 
  • Improves mood—Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. (Endorphins, Baby!)
  • Boosts energy—Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you have more energy for the things you need to fit in your day!
  • Promotes better sleep— any regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep, so you will wake more rested and refreshed!
  • Improves your sex life—Enough said…

I don’t know how all of you feel about adding in regular movement into your day, honestly, I used to think that any kind of physical activity was straight from the mouth of Hades. Prior to my decision that I was going to change my life for the benefit of my health, happiness and a myriad of other reasons, I used to believe that there was never enough time in my day to fit in any type of physical activity. I had convinced myself that it was too much of a commitment, too draining, too much work, etc, (please feel free to insert any other excuse you can think of in here because I probably said it to myself)…

However, as I have continued on my journey there are a few things that I have come to realize. Firstly, we make time for the things that matter to us. No matter who you are, or what you could fill your day with, if something is really important to you, you will make time for it. The cost of each and everything in our lives is ultimately the amount of time and life that we exchange for it. I had to stop and re-evaluate the things that were important to me. I spent more time tearing myself down, and complaining about the place that I found myself in, rather than taking all of that time and effort and actually putting it into changing my body and the way that I felt about myself simply by getting off my butt and moving around!

All of that said - I now realize that the number one thing that I can do to care for myself and for my body is to work hard for the things that matter to me. As I challenge my own body to become stronger and healthier, I have stopped looking at daily, regular movement of my body and exercise as a chore or something I “have” to do, but as something that I want to do, as something that supports each and every one of my goals towards being a better, healthier, happier, more fit version of myself. Through changing my perspective, I’ve found that I don’t hate heading out to the gym or outside as much to fit in those once dreaded daily walks, jogs or runs. I know that they are so beneficial to my health and are supporting and helping me achieve my goals, and right now, in this moment that is enough motivation for me.

All this to encourage each of you lovely people to get off your butts and GET THOSE BOOTY’S MOVING!

P.S. Ladies, if you need some more motivation please feel free to use this:

“7 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity.”

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