Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Why We Luv Group Fitness

This week is a great week to talk about working out with others in a group! Obviously it’s something that we are extremely passionate about here at JQ Fitness… just in case you hadn’t noticed ;)

We LUV the upbeat, motivational vibe that we can put out at iluvthis Bootcamp and our other group fitness classes to keep you moving and motivated, and most of all to help you along on your journey to a healthier and more active lifestyle! It’s a great place to meet new faces and have a blast while getting an amazing workout!

So I figured, since we're launching some brand NEW small group fitness classes, we could talk about some of the ways and reasons that group fitness can benefit you:

1. Classes are FUN!

Working out with a group of people, with some great tunes and an awesome instructor makes for a really great atmosphere! You’ll completely forget that you’re getting an awesome workout because you’ll be having such a blast! Not to mention that doing a fitness class with a friend, or even with a stranger can be a great way to de-stress after a hard day at work, or at home with the kids. 

2. Classes are MOTIVATIONAL!

Going to a group boot camp or fitness class alongside a friend or even exercising alongside a stranger is a great way to stay motivated! Being able to keep up with the class is an amazing way to push yourself harder than you would if you were working out on your own! Not to mention, the amazing instructors who are there to push you past what you think you can do! It really is a great rush and you’ll be so proud of what you are able to accomplish.

3. You’ll get a FULL BODY WORKOUT!

Both our bootcamp and our group fitness classes are specially designed to get your body in amazing shape! Whether you want to tone your core, get rid of fat, or build lean muscle, there's something for everyone.  You’ll be working all kinds of muscles that you never even knew you had, probably without even realizing it because you are having such a great time (see point #1)…


Awesome instructors will teach you the correct form of each exercise as well as how to use particular pieces of equipment (like that stability ball) in new and exciting ways! They'll walk you through each exercise so that you get the most out of your workout in a safe and effective way.

We LUV group fitness and would LUV to know what you LUV most about it too - Tweet us@jqfitness or Facebook us and let us know!

It’s always a great day to start something new. If you're not involved in any group fitness classes but want to be, you’re in luck! We have some new classes starting tonight and throughout this week in Burlington & Mississauga (Tabata Interval Training, Cardio Kickboxing & an awesome Core Ripper class)!

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