How Changing Your Mindset Can Change Your Life
Special Guest Post by Melissa Windsor, JQ Fitness
If you've ever attempted to lose weight or change your lifestyle, you'll understand what I mean when I say that the greatest obstacle you will ever face in this journey isn't the act of working out or the act of eating right. The biggest obstacle that you will face is actually far more personal and hard to face, because that obstacle is you...
Often I realize that the only thing standing in the way of me accomplishing my goals is my own ability to completely sabotage what I am attempting to do.
When it comes to my health and fitness, I am my own worst enemy & obstacle
You know what they say though,
Perception is everything.
When it comes to my health and fitness, I am my own solution, advocate & champion
So how do we reconcile these two opposing identities in ourselves? What can we do to be successful in the things we set out to accomplish?
Maybe success isn't something you achieve - but rather something you are, something you believe, & something you think.
"Success is an attitude. It's a Mindset.
And it’s not a coincidence that all successful people share a few similar thinking patterns. It’s The Success Mindset. And it’s not luck. Or chance. It’s a deliberate effort
Because mindset drives decisions. And decisions lead to outcomes.
And outcomes that involve us are our responsibility." - Jill Coleman
Moving forward it's important to realize that while you may in fact be your biggest obstacle, you are also the solution to many of the things that you are facing. You are your worst enemy, or your greatest champion.
It's important to take responsibility for the things that are in your control, making a decision to change your lifestyle or your exercise routine can be incredibly challenging, but if you know your goals and allow the success of those goals to drive your decisions you'll be set.
Each time you want to cheat or skip a workout, or do something that will undermine the success of your goals you'll be reminded of what you actually want to accomplish - and even if you go off track, you'll want to get back on track ASAP because you have goals, a final destination, you have the success mindset, and you are responsible for the outcome, you are responsible for your life.
What are some of the mindsets/beliefs/attitudes that have made you the most successful in your life?
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